Closed events

Published Seminars, workshops and conferences
02 MAR 2022

The University Libraries take part in AlmaOrienta International

The event will be held online

Join us in our virtual classrooms to address your questions about our services

Published Seminars, workshops and conferences
11 APR 2017

Rosa Genoni (1867-1954), fashion and politics. An uncommon history of productive engagement.

Aula 13, sede Alberti, via Quintino Sella n. 13, Rimini

Published Training activities
30 NOV 2016

Training on law library resources 3th edition

Sala Banche dati - Biblioteca Giuridica "Antonio Cicu"

The University of Bologna law libraries offer, every week, a theoretical and practice 3 hours and half training session about the use of library resources for law researching.

Published Training activities
16 NOV 2016

Training on law library resources 2th edition

SDE presso Lab. CIRSFID, via Belmeloro 14 (Aula O)

The University of Bologna law libraries offer, every week, a theoretical and practice 3 hours and half training session about the use of library resources for law researching.

Published Training activities
28 SEP 2016

EndNote, Mendeley e Zotero

Aula Mangini (room 9), Department of Chimica Industriale 'Toso Montanari', Viale Risorgimento 4, Bologna


Published Book launch and lectures
from 16 MAY to 09 JUN 2016

Sotto i tigli... tra riflessioni e buone prassi - 8 edition

Biblioteca della salute mentale e delle scienze umane "Minguzzi-Gentili", via S. Isaia 90, Bologna (first floor)

Book launch "Da genitori a genitori : esperienze e indicazioni per famiglie di bambini con deficit visivo" by Roberta Caldin and "La valutazione sociale delle cure parentali : manuale per l'operatore" by Mariagnese Cheli, Francesca Mantovani, Tiziana Mori