Information Literacy is run by the Libraries of the University Library System as a training service for students, professors and researchers, Ph.D. students, scholars and staff of the University of Bologna.
This training service allows you to:
- develop the skills needed to identify, locate, evaluate and use information sources,
- make the most of all the existing tools such as catalogs, search engines, databases, bibliography managers,
- apply effective search strategies.
What will you find in these web pages?
- Information about the training activities regularly organized by the Libraries.
- Useful resources to develop self-learning information skills: guides and tutorial.
- Information Literacy as a Transferable Skill (OPEN BADGE issued)
- PhD Information Literacy Transversal Training (1 Doctoral Credit & Open Badge)
- Contacts to plan and design, together with the professors, seminars and cross-cutting or disciplinary laboratories.
If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us at: