Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Registered users may ask their library to provide them with books that are not available in the library nor any of the libraries in Bologna.

Document Deliveries (DD)

Registered users may ask their library to provide them with articles from magazines that are not available in the library nor in any of the libraries in Bologna.


The SBN ILL service allows lecturers, students and University staff to ask their library to provide them with documents that are not available in the library nor in any other library in Bologna.


The MyNilde service allows lecturers, students and University staff to ask their library to provide them with articles not available in the University library nor in any other library in Bologna.

Local interloan

Through this new service in every library of the University of Bologna, of the Institution of the Public Libraries of the City of Bologna, and in the municipal libraries of Casalecchio di Reno and San Lazzaro, the readers can apply for the loan of a book held by any of the others.