Discovering the Libraries and Study Rooms nearest to you, checking if there is room in the Library or Study Room is easy, via the Affluences app or website.

Thanks to this service, students can check opening hours, locations, distances and routes on maps.

A simple and clear interface also provides up-to-date information on available facilities (e.g. lift, wifi, air conditioning, electrical outlets, etc.), and the main news for users.

Affluences also provides a booking system for group study rooms or other types of spaces or resources (e.g. rooms with p.c., facilities for users with disabilities, etc.), where available.

Thanks to Affluences, occupancy rates updated in real time also appear on the home pages of the sites of the main libraries on the Bologna campus.

The Affluences app is free, ad-free and freely downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.

For those who prefer not to install the app, the Affluences website allows you to search for the library or study room you are interested in, and still access the app's services and information.

Follow this link to get a list of the University Libraries and Study Rooms in the app:

Clicking on each of them provides the complete information on the Affluences site.

Switching from 'List' mode to 'Map' mode displays a map of the same libraries and study rooms in the area.



Published on 18/09/2023