In view of the summer suspension of the service, the last day for submitting requests will be Monday 17 July. The service will be able to accept new requests on a regular basis starting from Monday 4 September.
How does it work?
If the book you are looking for is not held in your library of reference or is currently on loan, but is available in one of the network libraries, you can request a local interloan and the book will be delivered to your most convenient library.
- Books must be requested in person at the library to which they will be delivered.
- The books requested on Monday will be available from Friday; for the libraries of the University of Bologna which are far from the city center or placed in the Campuses of Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini, the book will be available from the following Tuesday.
- If the request is submitted after Monday, the expected delivery times will be extended by one week.
- The local interloan service is available only for books. Libraries may reserve the right to exclude certain types of materials, such as textbooks, from the service.
- Each reader can request a maximum of three texts.
- To guarantee the efficiency of the service, each library may decide to turn the local interloan request down if the library that holds the book is too close. As book providers, instead, they must comply with requests received from all libraries regardless of their distance. It is not possible to renew or reserve a book requested through a local interloan.
For more information about the local interloan service, please write to
Participating libraries
Here is a list of the libraries adhering to the service:
- The libraries of the Municipality
- Academic libraries
- The library of the Legislative Assembly of Emilia Romagna
- The Italian Library of Women
- The library of the Gramsci Emilia Romagna Foundation
- The library of Art and History of San Giorgio in Poggiale
- The CDH Handicap Documentation Center
- The library of the Cassero Documentation Center
- The libraries of the Savena-Idice, East Plain and West Plain districts
- The Municipal Library of Imola (including the collection dedicated to children and youth)
- The library of Castel San Pietro Terme
- The Cesare Pavese library of Casalecchio di Reno
During 2020 other libraries joined the network: the municipal libraries of Vergato , Monzuno , Castiglione dei Pepoli , Marzabotto , Alto Reno Terme and Vado.
To design, follow-up and monitor the service trial phase, a working group was set up consisting of:
Francesca Pedercini (Coordinator)