The Academic Complete collection by ProQuest provides access to over 205,000 e-books from hundreds of academic publishers, offering a broad disciplinary coverage. The coverage range with the most significant number of publications is 1995-2020. Since ProQuest is an aggregator, the most recent publications are not included. The collection includes approximately 900 texts in Italian and the number of users who can access the collection is unlimitedThe collection can also be accessed through the Ebook Central - ProQuest and ProQuest One Academic platforms.

What can users do by accessing the platform:

  1. read the e-books online using a specific e-reader provided on the platform that allows, after registration, text highlighting, annotation, etc.;
  2. download single chapters in PDF format on users' PC or mobile device (subject to platform registration and with a limit of 40% of total pages per day, per book, per user);
  3. temporary download is also possible (digital lending for a maximum of 21 days) on users' PC or mobile device for off-line reading of entire e-books in PDF format or, if available, EPUB.

For downloading an entire e-book, users should:

a) subscribe to the platform;

b) install the Adobe Digital Editions e-book reader on their PC or mobile device and get an Adobe ID account to authorize your PC or mobile device for reading since the e-books are protected with Digital Rights Management (DRM).


Here is a list of links to some useful information for using the platform:

Information on how to download an e-book for offline reading

Information on copy, print and download limits

Information on Adobe Digital Editions

Accessibility of Ebook Central


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