- Purpose: the workshop intends to provide the essential knowledge to be competent, aware and autonomous in information management and to offer practical guidance on the resources, services and tools made available by the University Library System. The aim is to develop in students the essential skills to know how to do research independently and to produce new knowledge by disseminating the results of research in open access, according to national and European institutional policies, in compliance with copyright.
- Course program ay 2023/24:
The workshop includes three meetings; the Openbadge is awarded to those who fully attend at least 2 meetings out of the 3 scheduled; each meeting includes a different training module whose contents are:
- Library services, cross curricular resources and advanced tools for bibliographic research.
- Research performance evaluation, citational databases, bibliometric indexes, alternative metrics, author identity management, reference managment software, disciplinary field citation styles.
- Institutional policies for Open Science and Open Access, national and European, Open Access publications and research data, elements of copyright, ethical reuse of information, contracts and publication licenses for Open Science, support services for Open Access and University repositories (AMSDottorato, Iris-IR and AMSActa).
- Time Span: 9 hours, 3 modules of 3 hours each
- Training Mode: online - MS Teams
- Language: English and Italian
- Registrtion: It is possible to register by selecting the activities you are interested in, from the website https://iscrizioni-eventi.unibo.it/.
- 2023 Dates:
Italian Edition: October 10, 17, 24, 2023 - from 10am to 1pm
English Edition: December 7, 13, 20, 2023 - from 10am to 1pm
- 2024 Dates:
English Edition: February 7, 14, 21 2024 - from 10am to 1pm
Italian Edition 1 : February 14, 21, March 1 2024 - from 10am to 1pm
Italian Edition 2: June 4, 13, 17 2024 - from 10am to 1pm
- Places available: 100 for each edition
Contact: arpac.information-literacy@unibo.it