The Proxy service enables only authorised users to access electronic resources also from outside the University of Bologna's Wi-Fi network. As stated on the Guidelines for access and use of electronic resources page, even when connected via Proxy, the user is directly responsible for the proper use of the electronic resources in accordance with the clauses of the contracts that the University has signed with suppliers and publishers.

To safeguard the general right of access through the Proxy service, the University undertakes to actively monitor compliance with the permitted users and to identify any abuses, and reserves the right, as a precautionary measure and by notifying the person concerned, to temporarily impede access to the person whose improper use is detected.


This type of access must also comply with the provisions of the University of Bologna's "Testo Unico sulla Privacy e sull'Utilizzo dei Sistemi Informatici" (DR 271 of 23/02/2009), which prohibits the use of the University network, services and applications for purposes not related to institutional activities (Article 28. Limits of use) and requires compliance with the following requirements:

  • university username and passwords are for personal use only
  • users are responsible for their actions and the data transmitted and/or made public using their username and passwords
  • users shall keep their password secret, shall not reveal it to third parties and shall never leave working sessions open and unattended

(Extract from Annex A. Policy for the correct use of username and password. Privacy and Use of IT Systems Consolidation Act)