NOTE: the agreement lasts until December 31, 2023. The new one is still under negotiation.


The University of Bologna has signed the national CARE-CRUI agreement with Wolters Kluwer for the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins journals. The transformative agreement covers both the subscription fees for accessing the journals included in the collection subscribed by the University of Bologna and the charges for publishing in Open Access in the hybrid journals subscribed by the institutions that signed the national agreement.


Publishing incentives 

For articles published from 2021, the agreement covers the publishing costs up to the annual national buffer available to all institutions that have signed the agreement. Once the national buffer is exhausted, the cost for publishing in the eligible journals will be charged to the author, with an increasing price reduction on the list price for the three-year period: 25% for 2021, 30% for 2022, 35% for 2023.


How can authors benefit from the publishing incentives?

When contacting the publisher, authors affiliated with the University of Bologna should mention the national CARE-CRUI agreement signed by the University.


How long does the agreement last?

The agreement lasts from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023.