See the lists of the eligible journals covered by transformative agreements
Transformative Agreements don't cover the Open Access publication of chapters, volumes or monographs.
- American Chemical Society [under negotiation]
- Association for Computing Machinery
- BMJ [.xlsx 11 KB]
- Cambridge University Press [.xlsx 165 KB]
- De Gruyter [.xlsx 57 KB]
- Elsevier [.xlsx 82 KB]
- Emerald [.xlsx 35 KB]
- IEEE [under negotiation]
- Institute of Physics [.xlsx 11 KB]
- Lippincott [.xlsx 16 KB]
- Oxford University Press [.xlsx 25 KB]
- Royal Society of Chemistry [.xlsx 12 KB]
- Springer
- Wiley [.xlsx 174 KB]
Subdivision into subjects
Since publishers use different criteria for subject subdivision of journals, it is not possible to have a complete list with all eligible titles organized by topic.
However, the lists of De Gruyter, Emerald and Wiley already have indications on the subjects; other publishers show search filters for subjects on their web pages:
- American Chemical Society (e-book and Open Access Only journals are included in this list but excluded by the agreement)
- Cambridge University Press
- Elsevier
- Lippincott
- Oxford University Press
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Springer (in the website all the publisher's journals are listed, thus it is necessary to check with the eligible title list).