
  • William Faeti: coordination of the acquisition, through local and national negotiation, of new electronic resources; supervision, coordination and support for the management of existing contracts to guarantee the quality of online access to the University of Bologna's electronic resources already acquired by the Cultural Heritage Division (ARPAC) central offices through local and national negotiations (CARE-CRUI) or by individual libraries through tenders for the acquisition of journals and monograph; supervision, coordination and support for maintaining the quality of research services, use and interconnection of the University of Bologna's electronic resources (e.g.: EZproxy, AlmaStart, A-link) also in collaboration with the IT Systems and Services Division (CeSIA); supervision to ensure timely and exhaustive share of information with librarians and institutional users via the AlmaRE office communication page and through any other available technological tool.



  • Annalisa Lombardi: management of trials, local and national commercial offers for acquiring the University of Bologna's electronic resources; management of e-book selection and acquisition; e-book assistance; development and maintenance of the e-book import and deletion function in Sebina Next; import and updating of the e-book MARC records on the Bologna Library System Catalogue; development of specific guidelines for manually upload the restricted access and Open Access e-books in Sebina Next management application;
  • Maura Quaquarellimaintenance and development of the AlmaStart discovery tool; coordination of the University tenders for the acquisition of electronic journals; Alma link resolver implementation; check and update of the EZproxy service (in collaboration with CeSIA); check and update of the access to DVD databases via the Tatooweb service; projects and working groups: GIANO ProjectAsk a librarian.
  • Benedetta Riciputinational trials and commercial offers for the acquisition of electronic resources; management of traditional and transformative national agreements; assistance in publishing articles in Open Access with transformative agreements; general assistance for electronic journals acquired through national negotiations; monitoring of Open Access publication costs; support for the new method of managing access conditions to electronic journals and development of the management module in ACNP; training activities dedicated to colleagues and users; projects and working groups: The University Library System for PhD students; Support for the Open Access (OA), ACNP electronic journals working group, Open Science working group (GLOS), Open Access Scientific Publications working group (GLOAP).
  • Marco Tagliavini: management of trials, local commercial offers for acquiring the electronic resources, especially databasesuser assistance; Information Literacy's courses for PhD; assistance in publishing Open Access articles under transformative agreements; implementation of the link resolver in Alma; management of the electronic journals in the Italian Union catalogue of serials (ACNP).

Information about the AlmaRE services and Help Desk