The University of Bologna has joined the national CARE-CRUI agreement signed with BMJ. The transformative agreement covers both the subscription fees for accessing The BMJ and the Standard collection subscribed by the University of Bologna and the fees for publishing Open Access in hybrid journals, in a range of full Open Access journals, as well as in all hybrid journals that will be converted to Open Access during the term of the agreement.
Depositing in the Institutional Repository (Green Open Access)
For any article published in hybrid journals whose costs are not covered by the agreement, authors can deposit the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM) (post-print) version of their articles in the institutional repository, or publish it on their personal websites. The publication will be accessible as Open Access, provided that:
- it includes the link to the published version of the article on BMJ’s platform and the following text: “This article has been accepted for publication in [insert journal, volume, issue] following peer review, and the Version of Record can be accessed online at [insert full DOI eg.]. © Authors [insert year]”
- should a retraction, expression of concern, or significant correction be applied to the version of the article which was published by BMJ, authors state this and link clearly to BMJ’s published notice
- all BMJ trademarks (and co-owner trademarks where applicable) must be removed.
How long does the agreement last?
The agreement lasts from January 1 to December 31, 2025.