Through the CARE-CRUI consortium, the University of Bologna has signed an agreement with Nature for the half-year period January-June 2025.
Depositing in the Institutional Repository (Green Open Access)
Authors affiliated with the institutions that signed the agreement are granted permission to deposit in the institutional repository and in PubMed Central the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM) (post-print) version of the article that have already been published in "Nature Research" journals, as well as publishing it on their personal websites, and making it available as Open Access after a 6-month embargo period.
On the first page of any deposited version, authors must mention the complete citation of the article published version and its DOI link, as well as providing a link to the URL of the article published on the journal website.
How long does the agreement last?
The agreement lasts from January 1 to June 30, 2025.