The University of Bologna has joined the national CARE-CRUI agreement with the Institute of Physics (IOP). This transformative agreement covers both the subscription fees for accessing the IOPscience Extra journal collection and the fees for publishing in Open Access in the hybrid journals included in the same collection and in full Open Access journals.


Depositing in the Institutional Repository (Green Open Access)

For articles published in hybrid journals whose costs are not covered by the agreement, authors can deposit the Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) (post-print) version of their article in the institutional repository and/or publish it on their personal websites and make it freely accessible, after a 12-month embargo period from the first publication date; however, it's not possible to apply any form of Open Access or any Creative Commons licence, unless a Creative Commons licence is applied by the publisher himself to the cover of the article.


How long does the agreement last?

The agreement lasts from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2025.