The University of Bologna has joined the national CARE-CRUI agreement with the Institute of Physics (IOP). This transformative agreement covers both the subscription fees for accessing the IOPscience Extra collection, encompassing all IOP publications, subscribed by the University of Bologna and the fees for publishing Open Access in the hybrid journals included in the same collection and in the full Open Access journals. Therefore, authors can publish Open Access at no additional costs.
Agreement duration: 2022-2025. Activated in January 2023.
Open Access publishing obligation: No.
Requirements for covering publishing costs: elegibility of the corresponding author (see the dedicated FAQ), journal and article type.
List of the eligible journals: 2024 list [.xlsx 11 KB] (see the dedicated FAQ).
Types of eligible articles: Research articles and Review articles (including papers, special issue papers, reviews and letters).
Available fund: unlimited fund.
Licence: CC BY.
Self-archiving mode (Green Open Access): the Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) (post-print) version of the article can be deposited in the institutional repository and/or published on the author's personal website; it can also be made freely accessible after a 12-month embargo period from the first publication date; however, it's not possible to apply any form of Open Access or any Creative Commons license, unless a Creative Commons license is applied by the publisher himself to the cover of the article.
Which authors may be eligible?
Only corresponding authors already affiliated with the University of Bologna on the date the article is accepted are eligible, including academics with fixed-term contracts such as PhD students, research fellows, fixed-term assistant professors, specialisation school students, etc.
Authors must submit their contributions via their institutional email address (i.e.: or
Which are the eligible journals?
Authors can publish in the hybrid journals included in the IOPscience Extra collection subscribed by the University of Bologna and in the full Open Access journals available on IOPscience.
Here is a list [.xlsx 11 KB] of the eligible journals in 2024.
Under which kind of licence will articles be published?
A CC BY licence.
Authors retain all rights relating to their articles, which may be deposited in the University of Bologna institutional repository (IRIS) and published on the author's personal website. Open access is granted right after the publication without any embargo period.
When will the article be published Open Access?
After the author has expressed his willingness to publish Open Access and completed the post-acceptance publication workflow. The Univerisity will check the validity of the affiliation at a later time.
Which costs are excluded from the coverage of the agreement?
Any other publication fees (i.e.: submission fees, color pages, overlength pages fees etc.) are not covered by the agreement.
Where can I find more information about the agreement?
- For further information, please contact the Approval Manager of the University of Bologna;
- Publisher’s website page dedicated to the CARE-CRUI transformative agreement;
- Publisher’s website page where authors can find information about the publishing process;
- Brief guide where authors can find information about the transformative agreement publishing process;
- IOP Journal Finder;
- Text of the agreement signed by the CARE-CRUI national consortium and joined by the University of Bologna: Registry di ESAC-Initiative.