The University of Bologna has joined the national CARE-CRUI agreement signed with Wiley. The transformative agreement covers both the subscription fees for accessing the Database collection subscribed by the University of Bologna and the fees for publishing Open Access in all the hybrid and full Open Access journals available on Wiley Online Library platform.

The agreement does not cover the costs for publishing Open Access in Hindawi journals.



Agreement duration: 2024-2027. Activated in July 2024. 

Open Access publishing obligationNo.

Requirements for covering publishing costselegibility of the corresponding author (see the dedicated FAQ), journal and article type.

List of the eligible journals: 2025 list [.xlsx 174 KB] (see the dedicated FAQ).

Types of eligible articles: see the dedicated FAQ.

Available fund: annual limited national fund.

Licence: see the dedicated FAQ.

Self-archiving mode (Green Open Access): authors can deposit the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM) (post-print) version of their articles in the institutional repository and/or publish it on their personal websites. The publication will be accessible as Open Access after a 12-month embargo period.



Which authors may be eligible?

Only corresponding authors already affiliated with the University of Bologna on the date the article is accepted are eligible, including academics with fixed-term contracts such as PhD students, research fellows, fixed-term assistant professorsspecialisation school students, etc.

Authors must submit their contributions via their institutional email address (i.e.: or

Each article can have many corresponding authors, but only one Responsible corresponding author who will be the only person responsible for signing the licence, and whose affiliations will be used to determine the eligibility of the article.

Which are the eligible journals?

All the hybrid and full Open Access journals available on Wiley Online Library platform.

Here is the list [.xlsx 174 KB] of the eligible journals in 2025.

The agreement does not cover the costs for publishing Open Access in Hindawi journals: the publisher plans to quickly suppress the Hindawi brand and make this journals available, under the Wiley brand, on the Wiley Online Library platform.
As the ex-Hindawi journals enter the Wiley Online Library platform, they will be integrated into the contract and the articles published in these journals will become eligible for Open Access publication with the coverage of the contract itself, following the same workflow as the other full Open Access journals.

Which are the eligible types of article?

The types of articles covered by the agreement are:

  • Case Study (type which includes, depending on journals: Adverse Event, APLAR Grand Round Case, Case Analysis, Case Notes, Case of the Month, Case Report, Case Reports in Diverse Populations, Case Series, Case Series with Literature Review, Case Study, Case Study Paper, Case Vignette, Cases in Quality & Safety, Clinical Case Conference, Clinical Case Study, Clinical Letter, Clinical Observations, Clinical Problem Solving, Clinical Report of Complex Geriatric Care, Clinical Rounds, Clinical Vignette, Clinicopathologic Conference, Clinicopathological Case, Collection Report, Contact Point, CPD - Clinicopathological Case, Dermatologic Surgery - Case Report, Device Rounds, Dialysis Rounds, EP Rounds, Genetic Syndromes in Adults, Genotype: Phenotype Report, How Do I Do It, How Do I?, How I Approach, How I Do It, How I Treat, Husbandry Report, In the Field, Industry Update, Interventional Radiology Case Report, Interventional Radiology Clinical Letter, Intrusive Case, Invited Case Report, Letter to the Editor - Case Report, Letter: Genotype and Phenotype, Letter: Neuromodulation, Medical Genetics - Case Report, Medical Imaging - Radiation Oncology Case Report, Medical Imaging Case Report, Medical Imaging Clinical Letter, Morphology Update, New Ideas in B-E-D-side Teaching, New Mutations in Neurological Disorders, Observations, Observations in Hepatotoxicity, Otopathology Report, Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Case Report, Precision Medicine Clinic, PSP Case Report, Radiation Oncology Case Report, Radiology Clinical Letter, Regional Case Studies, Residents and Fellows: Headache Rounds, Solving Clinical Problems in Blood Diseases, Teaching Case Study, Trainee Focus - Case Report, Tropical Medicine Rounds - Case Report)
  • Case Study Media (type which includes, depending on journals: Case Image, Case Study Media, Case Video, Clinical Image, Diagnostic Imaging in Hematology, Haematology Images, Images for Surgeons, Images in Dermatology, Images in Dialysis, Images in Emergency Medicine, Images in Hematology, Images in Pediatrics, Images in Small Animal Practice, Images in Urology, Images in..., Imaging Case, Imaging Diagnosis, Interesting Images, Interventional Radiology Pictorial Essay, Medical Imaging - Radiation Oncology Pictorial Essay, Medical Imaging Pictorial Essay, Multimedia Report, Pictorial Essay, Pictures in Neurology, Radiation Oncology Pictorial Essay, Radiology Pictorial Essay, Surgical Tips in Clips, Videos in Emergency Medicine, Visual Vignette)
  • Commentary (type which includes, depending on journals: ACCP Commentary, Assessment, AUPN Corner, Book Critique, Book Debate, Book Discussion, Brevia, Catalyst, Choosing Wisely: Things We Do For No Reason, Clinical Commentary, Clinical Controversy, Clinical Dilemma, Commentary, Commentary: Member, Commentary: Non Member, Context & Implications Document, Contribution, Controversies in Geriatrics and Gerontology, Critical Exchange, Current Issues in TESOL, Debate, Debate - Parallel Opposed, Debate Essay Response, Dialogue in Dialog, Dialogue: Commentary, Dialogue: Discussion Article, Discussant's Comments, Discussion, Discussion Forum, Economic Viewpoint, Ecumenical Chronicle, Ecumenical Forum, Editorial Commentary, Editorial Comments, ESEX Commentary, Ethnographic Events, Executive Forum, Expert Comments, Feature, Forum, Forum Article, Forum Reply, Global Forum, In A Few Words, Innovations: The Latest in Social Media & Informatics, Inside Story, Insight, Interventional Radiology Viewpoint, Invited Commentary, Invited Comment-Essay, Invited Research Issues, Invited Response-Essay, Invited Response-Rejoinder, JOM Forum, Landmark, Letter to the Editor - Comments, Letter to the Journal, Medical Imaging - Radiation Oncology Viewpoint, Medical Imaging Viewpoint, Methods Dialogue, Milbank Quarterly Classic, News and Views, Next Steps, NINDS Corner, Notable in Microscopy, Note, Notes from the Field, Old Lives Tale, On the Nature of Things, Open Peer Commentary, Pathways to Protocols, Pivotal Paper, Policy Commentary, Political Chronicles, Politics Page, Prospectives, Radiology Viewpoint, Reflective Analysis, Regional Report, Scholarly Exchange, SEN Policy Research Forum, SENCO Forum, SPECIAL | COMMENTARIES ON COVID-19, Special Issue Commentary, Special Section Commentary, SRA Consensus Statement, Statement, Structural Snapshot, Symposium, Technical Commentary, The Forum, The Forum: Part 1, The Forum: Part 2, Training Matters, Viewpoint, Viewpoint - Point de vue, When I Say, Working Hypothesis, Yearbook Commentary)
  • Data Article (type which includes, depending on journals: Check List, Computational Notebook, Data Article, Data Paper, Data Sheet, Dataset Article, Nomenclature update, Pathways and Predictions, Practice Report)
  • Education (type which includes, depending on journals: Advancing through Innovation, ANA Educational Summary, Apheresis Illustrated, Archives, Athena, Athena: Speciality Certificate Examination Case, Audit, Bridging the Gap, Building Stones Explained, Cancer Case Conundrums, Classic Localities Explained, Clinical Conundrum, Clinical Curiosity, Clinical Governance, Clinical Guideline Highlights for the Hospitalist, Clinical Procedure, Clinical Question, Clinical Teacher's Toolbox, Clinicopathologic Challenge, CME Article, Coming to Terms, Conundrum, CPD Article, Cytopathology Help Desk, Did You Know?, ECO 101, Ecological Education K-12, Education, Education and Imaging - Gastroenterology, Education and Imaging - Hepatology, Education Report, Educational Download, Educational Forum, Educational Image, Educator's Blueprint, Electroclinical Reasoning Report, Enigma Portal, Ethical Dilemma, Ethics in Practice, Feminist Pedagogies, Fossils Explained, From Bench to Bedside, Genetic Report, Geo-Ed, Geriatrics Education and Innovation Corner (GErI), Innovation to Practice, Innovations Corner, Innovations from the Field, Innovations from the Field: Member, Innovations from the Field: Non Member, Innovative Surgical Techniques Around the World, interACTN Case, Lesson of the Month, Long Didactic Paper, Medical Education, Medical Education: Clinical Skills, Medical Education: Key Research Skills, Medical Education: Lessons from Practice, Medical Education: Snapshot, Memorable Patient, Methodology Matters, Minerals Explained, Natural Hazards Explained, Neurological Progress, Neurology Grand Rounds, Nurse Educational Report, Operative Technique, Patient Viewpoint, Photoquiz, Practical Application, Primer, Primer for Practitioners, Professional Skills for Surgeons, PSAP in JACCP, QA Q&A, Really Good Stuff, Revealing Images, Rocks Explained, SCAN, Seminar in Epileptology, Sound Judgment, Special Feature - Education, Statistically Speaking, Step-by-Step, Teaching and Learning Guide, Techniques and Procedures, Ten Minute Tutorial, Therapeutic Vignette, Tips and Techniques, Transfusion Medicine Illustrated, Tutorial, Tutorial in Biostatistics, Undergraduate Education, Virtual Tumor Board, Visual Diagnosis, Web Lessons and Learning Activities, What's Your Diagnosis?)
  • Lecture (type which includes, depending on journals: Address, Address - Discours, Annual Lecture, Fellow Address, Keynote Addresses, Lecture, Mark Sacks Lecture, Oration, Original Conference Transcript, Speech)
  • Method and Protocol (type which includes, depending on journals: Application Article, Clinical Protocol Update, Clinical Study Design, Clinical Trial Protocol, Community Resource, Comparative and Intercalibration Study, Curiousity, Data Services Article, Diagnostic Guide, Ecological Toolkit, Essential Laboratory Technique, Evaluation of Existing Methods, Guideline Protocol, Learning from Data, Method, Method Paper, Methodological Article, Methodology, Methods and Applications, Methods and Protocols, Methods and Techniques, Methods and Tools, Methods Article, Methods Brief, Methods Showcase, New Technique, Pest Survey Card, Protocol, Protocol for Evidence and Gap Map Report, Protocol for Systematic Review, Protocol Note, Real-World Data Sources for Pharmacoepidemiologic Research, Registered Report Protocol, Registered Report Results, Registered Report Stage 1, Research Methodology: Discussion Paper - Methodology, Research Methodology: Empirical Research - Methodology, Research Methods Guide, Research Protocol, Special Feature - methods, Statistical Report, Study Design, Study Protocol, Study Protocols, Synthetic Procedure, Technical Advance, Technique, Tools for Protein Science, Updated Essential Laboratory Technique, Updated Protocol)
  • Perspective (type which includes, depending on journals: A Different View, ACR Presidential Address, Addiction Classics, Addiction Journal Club, Addiction Opinion and Debate, Addiction Theories and Constructs, Broader Perspectives, Business and Society Agendas 2050, Challenges to Industry, Clinical Experience, Clinical Perspective, Clinician's Corner, Community Dermatology, Counter Opinion, Critical Forum, Critical Perspectives, Crystal Ball, Debate Essay, Diversity, Editorial Perspective, Environmental Issues, Essay, Ethnographic Fiction, Ex laboratorio, Exchange of Views, Experience from the Field, Experience Report, Expert Perspectives on Clinical Challenges, Fiction, From the Editor-in-Chief, Future Directions, Future of Medical Physics, Game Changer, Gap & Controversy, Historical Perspective, In Perspective, Innovative Viewpoint, Insight from the Experts, Institutional Perspective, Interdisciplinary Perspective, International Perspective, International Perspectives in Cytology, Invited Perspective, Issue Paper, Lilliput, Lived Experience Narrative, Master's Perspectives, Memoir, Molecular Minute, Narrative, Narrative Matters, Notes and Commentary, Nursing and Health Policy Perspective, On a Human Scale, Outlook, Patient Perspective, PDR Documents, Perspective, Perspective Article, Perspectives in Hospital Medicine, Philosophers for Nursing, Practically Speaking, Radiation Oncology Viewpoint, Rostrum, Science & Society, Science Voices, Scientific Perspective, Situating Research, Technology Matters, The Page, Translational Perspective, Trust in Healthcare)
  • Practice and Policy (type which includes, depending on journals: AAPM Reports & Documents, AAPM Scientific Report, ACCP Guideline, ACCP Policy Statement, ACCP Position Statement, ACCP Statement, ACCP White Paper, ACVR Consensus Statement, Annual Clinical Updates in Hematological Malignancies, ASPEN Position Paper, Best Practice, Best-Evidence Consensus, Best-Evidence Topic, BSH Good Practice Paper, BSH Guideline, Classroom Explorations, Clinical Bulletin, Clinical Care, Clinical Guidance, Clinical Guideline, Clinical Guidelines, Clinical Innovation Reports, Clinical Practice Guideline, Clinical Practice Statement, Clinical Scholarship, Commission Report, COMP Reports & Documents, Consensus, Consensus Statement, Core Entrustables in Clinical Pharmacology: Pearls for Practice, Early Intervention in the Real World, Ethics and Law, Executive Summary, Expert-Consensus Report, Focused Revision, Good Practice, GRACE Clinical Practice Guideline, Guidance Paper, Guideline, Guideline Review, Guideline Summary, Guidelines, Guidelines - Consensus-Based, Guidelines - Evidence-Based, Guidelines - Expert Opinion, Guidelines Executive Summary, Guidelines Plain Language Summary, Health Policy and Economics, Health Policy and Systems, ILAE Reports, Innovation, Implementation, Improvement, Innovations in Practice, International Forum, Interventional Radiology Guidelines, Invited Teaching Issues, ISTH Communications, JTH in Clinic, Management Guide, Medical Imaging Guidelines, Patient Safety and Quality Improvement, Policy, Policy Analysis, Policy Article, Policy Directions, Policy Forum, Policy Paper, Policy Review, Policy Statements Resolutions, Position Paper, Position Paper and Recommendation, Position Statement, Practice and Policy, Practice Guideline, Practice Insights, Practice Note, Practice Parameter, Practice Standards, Practitioner Paper, Practitioner's Perspective, Praxis Article, PRN Opinion Paper, Quality Improvement Report, Quality Initiatives, Radiation Oncology Guidelines, Radiology Guidelines, Recommendation, Reporting Guidelines, Research Into Practice, Roadmap, Safety Statement, Scientific Impact Paper, SENCO Policy Paper, Societal Paper, Standards, Triological Society Best Practice, Updates in Clinical Trials for Hematological Diseases, View from Practice)
  • Rapid Publication (type which includes, depending on journals: Breaking Report, Fast Track, Letter to ESEX, Priority Report, Rapid Communication, Rapid Publication, Rapid Report, Rapid Research Article, Rapid Review, Rapid Short Communication)
  • Research Article (type which includes, depending on journals: A Description of Innovative Practice, AAEA Invited Paper, Academic Practice in Ecology and Evolution, Acute Geriatrics - Original Article, Addiction History, Advancing Science, Agroecosystems, Alternative Format Research Article, Anthropology in Action, Antipodean Perspective, Applied Research, Applied Theory Article, Article, Article | Aufsatz, Article: Member, Article: Non Member, ASSA Invited Paper, Assessment & Diagnosis, Award Article, Basic Research, Basic Science Article, Basic Science Research Article, Best of TESOL Affiliates, Bioinformatic Tool, Biological Flora, Biomolecular Engineering, Bioengineering, Biochemicals, Biofuels, and Food, Biostatistics and Clinical Trials, Breast Cancer, Breast Surgery, Briefing Paper, Cancer Diagnostics and Molecular Pathology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Chapter, Christmas Competition, Classical Paper, Clinical and Educational Article, Clinical Article, Clinical Concepts, Clinical Investigation, Clinical Investigative Study, Clinical Management, Clinical Practice Research, Clinical Report, Clinical Research, Clinical Research Article, Clinical Research Update, Clinical Trial, Clinical Trial in Progress, Clinical Trial Result, Colorectal Surgery, Commended Paper, Commissioned Article, Communication, Community Outreach, Completed Study, Comprehensive Report, Computable Knowledge Publication, Computational Article, Concept Analysis, Concepts and Hypotheses, Conceptual Feature Article, Conceptual Research, Conceptualizing Public Administration, Conference Proceeding, Contributed Paper, Counselor Preparation, Creative Contribution, Creative Nonfiction, Critically Appraised Research Paper, Current Directions Essay, Data and Perspectives, Data Insight, Data Science in Business and Industry, Databases, Dermatologic Surgery - Original Article, Dermatologic Surgery - Report, Descriptions of Plant Genetic Materials, Descriptions of Plant Viruses, Devices, Dialogue, Dialogues and Interviews, Disease Ecology, Dispatches from BioTech, Dissertation Summary, Dissertations into Practice, Drug Trial, Early Career Award Paper, Early Career Intel, Ecology of Critical Zones, Economic Insights, Ecosphere Naturalist, Education and Training, EFSA Output, Emerging Insights, Emerging Research, Emerging Technologies, Empirical Article, Empirical Feature Article, Empirical Paper, Empirical Research, Empirical Research Mixed Methods, Empirical Research Qualitative, Empirical Research Quantitative, Empirical Study, Endocrine Surgery, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Ethical and Legal Issues in Reproductive Health, Ethics, Ethics in or of Geographical Research, Ethnogeriatrics and Special Populations, European Perspective, Evidence-Based, Evidence-Based Implementation Project, Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Project, Experimental Lab Research, Exploratory Report, Extended Article, Feasibility Study, Feature Article, Featured Article, Field Report, Field Study, First Person Account, Focus, Forum Paper, French Research Article, Freshwater Ecology, From the Cover, Full Article, Full Length, Full Paper, Gastrointestinal Cancer, General Dermatology, General Ecology, General Surgery, Genetics Notes, Genitourinary Cancer, Genomic Resource Article, Geriatric Oncology, Global Emergency Care, Global Health and Cancer, Gynacologic Oncology, Head and Neck Cancers, Health Outcomes and Economics of Cancer Care, Hematology, Hepatobiliary, Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery, Hesselbein & Company, History of Otolaryngology, Human Randomized Control Trial, Humanistic Counselor Training, Idea Paper, Immuno‐Oncology, In Focus, In Theory, Indigenous Health, Industrial Application, Industry Article, Informatics, Inorganic Materials: Synthesis and Processing, Instrument Development Report, Interaction Insights, International Perspectives and Initiatives, International Platform Article, Interventional Radiology Original Article, Interventions Essay, Invited Article, Invited Guidelines, Invited Paper, Invited Research Article, Iterations: Historical Futures, JSGS Paper, Key Symposium, Lead Article, Leadership Perspectives, Legislation Article, Leukemias, Lung Cancer, Lymphoma, Main Article, Main Paper, Main Text, Major Revision from EG Symposium on Geometry, Major Revision from EG Symposium on Rendering, Major Revision from Eurographics Conference, Major Revision from EuroVis Symposium, Major Revision from Pacific Graphics, Management Knowledge and Education: Education Theory, Management Knowledge and Education: Management Educator, Management Knowledge and Education: Management Theory, Medical Dermatology, Medical Ethics, Medical Genetics - Original Article, Medical Genetics - Report, Medical History, Medical Imaging - Radiation Oncology Original Article, Medical Imaging Original Article, Melanoma and Cutaneous Malignancy, Methods for Policy Analysis, Methods, Tools, and Technology: Macrosystems Ecology, Military Surgery, Mixed Methods, Modeling and Analysis, Modelling and Analysis, Models of Geriatric Care, Quality Improvement, and Program Dissemination, Molecular Cytopathology, Monograph, Multicenter Research - Site-Specific Research Study, Myeloma, Mythology, Nature Notes, Neuro-Oncology, Neuropathology Case Cluster, Neurosurgery, New Drug Development and Clinical Pharmacology, New Voices, Non-Empirical Paper, Obesity Symposium, Occupational Health and Safety in the World, OMIP, Open Collection, Original Article, Original Article - Allergens, Original Article - Application, Original Article - Basic Mechanisms in Allergic Disease, Original Article - Basic Science, Original Article - Biliary and Pancreatic, Original Article - Clinical Allergy, Original Article - Clinical Mechanisms in Allergic Disease, Original Article - Clinical Science, Original Article - Education, Original Article - Endoscopy, Original Article - Gastroenterology (Clinical), Original Article - Gastroenterology (Experimental), Original Article - Hepatology (Clinical), Original Article - Hepatology (Experimental), Original Article - Imaging Physics, Original Article - Laboratory Science, Original Article - Management and Profession, Original Article - Medical Imaging, Original Article - Non-ionizing Topics, Original Article - Other Topics, Original Article - Radiation Measurements, Original Article - Radiation Oncology Physics, Original Article - Radiation Protection & Regulations, Original Article - Regeneration Science, Original Article - Statistical Computing, Original Article - Theory and Methods, Original Article - Young Investigators Symposium, Original Article: Member, Original Article: Non Member, Original Paper, Original Report, Original Research, Original Scientific Report, Original Scientific Report with Video, Orthopaedic Surgery, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Outside the Theme, Outstanding Observation, Paediatric Dermatology, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Surgery, Pain Medicine, Pancreas, Paper, Paper Presented at AWEA WINDPOWER, Parliament and Art, Particle Technology and Fluidization, Patent Article, Patient Care & Research, Pediatric Oncology, PeDRA Original Article, Perioperative Care, PetSavers Article, Pharmacokinetic Report, Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Original Article, Pharmacology and Therapeutics - Report, Phenomenology Video, Pilot Study, Plant Portrait, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Plenary Session, Point-Counterpoint, Policy Retrospective, Population Report, Population Reports, Practical Article, Practice, Practice and Technical Article, Practice Development, Preclinical Study, Prehospital Care, Preliminary Report, Presidential Address, Prize Essay, Prize Paper, Procedural Dermatology, Proceeding, Process Systems Engineering, Professional Issues, Program Evaluations, Prospective Study, Provocations, Qualitative Article, Qualitative Paper, Quality, Quality Improvement, Quantitative Article, Quantitative Research, Radiation Oncology, Radiation Oncology Original Article, Radiology Original Article, Randomised Controlled Trial, Reaction Engineering, Kinetics and Catalysis, Registered Replication Report, Registered Report, Registered Report Stage 2, Registration, Regular Article, Regulatory Issues, Regulatory Issues: EMA, Regulatory Issues: FDA, Replication, Replication and Extension, Replication Study, Report, Research, Research Article, Research Article - Article scientifique, Research Article - Empirical, Research Article – Long, Research Article - Methodology, Research Article - Standards, Research Article - Technology, Research Article: Computational Notebook, Research Article: Member, Research Article: Non Member, Research Dialogue, Research Manuscript, Research Paper, Research Report, Research Reproducibility Report, Research Submission, Research: Member, Research: Non Member, Research-Policy Integration, Resource, Resource Article, Retrospective Study, Rural Surgery, Sarcomas, Symptom Management and Supportive Care, Scholarly Takes, Scientific Statement, Separations: Materials, Devices and Processes, Service Evaluation, Short Research Article, Social Media, Soft Matter: Synthesis, Processing and Products, Special Article, Special Contribution, Special Feature, Special Issue - Empirical Paper, Special Issue - Methodology Paper, Special Issue - Standards Paper, Special Issue - Technology Paper, Special Issue Article, Special Issue Article: Member, Special Issue Article: Non Member, Special Issue Paper, Special Issue Research Article, Special Research Report, Special Section, Special Section Article, Special Section Paper, Special Section: Member, Special Section: Non Member, Special Topic Article, Special Topic Section, SRL Communication, Standard Article, State-of-the-Art, Student Manuscript, Student's Corner, Submitted Article, Supervision, Supplement Article, Surgery in Low and Middle Income Countries, Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Dermatology, Surgical Education, Surgical History, Surgical Oncology, Symposium Article, Symposium Paper, Tagungsartikel, Target Article, Targeting Teaching, Targeting the Profession, Taxonomic Article, Teaching and Learning in Action, Teaching Evidence-Based Practice, Techniques and Innovation, Technology in Dermatology, Technology in Ecology, The Scientific Naturalist, Theme Article, Theme Issue Article, Theme Issue Commentary, Theme Series Article, Themed Intervention, Themed Issue Article, Themed Issue Commentary, Themed Section, Theology Update, Theoretical and Conceptual, Theoretical Article, Thermodynamics and Molecular-Scale Phenomena, Thesis, Toxicology, Trainee Focus - Original Article, Translational Papers, Translational Research, Transplantation, Transport Phenomena and Fluid Mechanics, Trauma, Tropical Medicine Rounds - Original Article, Tropical Medicine Rounds - Report, Upper Gut, Urology, Vascular Surgery, Vegetation Survey, Video Article, Window on the Netherlands)
  • Review Article (type which includes, depending on journals: A Guide To..., Advanced Review, Analysis, Annual Research Review, Annual Review Issue, Basic Science Review, Bibliometric Analysis, Biodiversity in Asia, Brief Review, Budding Topics, Chemistry Authors Up Close, Clinical Overview, Clinical Practice, Clinical Review, Comprehensive Review, Concept, Concepts & Questions, Concepts & Synthesis, Concepts & Theory, Conceptual Review, Concise Review, Connections, Contemporary Review, Core Concepts in Pharmacoepidemiology, Core Sessions of JGES Meeting, Cornerstones in Chemistry, CPIC Guidelines, CPIC Update, Critical Review, Critically Appraised Research Papers, Critically Appraised Topic, Cross-cutting Edge, Current Topic in Ecology, Design Review, Discovery-in-Context Review, Discursive Article, Discursive Paper, Early Career Perspective, Educational Review, Electrophysiology, Emerging Methods and Technologies, Empirical Review, Essential Overview, Evidence and Gap Map, Evidence Corner, Evidence Review, Evidence-Based Review, Exhibit Review, External Scientific Report, Featured Review, Focus Article, Focus on Research Methods, Focused Review, Formal Methodological Process, Foundation Review, GCB Review, General Article, Geriatric Therapeutics Review, GHOTI, GIS & Quantitative Geography, Global View, Graphical Review, Hall of Fame, Hemodynamic Rounds, Historical Review, Historiographical Review, Horticultural Review, Hot Off the Press, Hypotheses, Ideas & Speculations, In a Nutshell, Innovational Perspective, Integrative Review, Interventional Radiology Review Article, Interventional Rounds, Invited Mini Review, Invited Review, Invited Review Paper, Invited Review Series, Invited Special Communication, Invited Technical Review, Issues in Australian Foreign Policy, Literature Review, Literature Survey, Living Luminary, Long Term Study, MDS Commissioned Review, Medical Imaging - Radiation Oncology Review Article, Medical Imaging Review Article, Meta-Analysis, Methodological Review, Methodology Corner, Methods, Models & Techniques, Micro Review, Mini Review, Minireview, Multicenter Research - Overview, Mutation Update, Myths and Methodologies, Narrative Review, Nobel Prize Article, Nomenclature Article, Opinion Leaders, Overview, Pathogen Profile, PCN Frontier Review, Pediatric Pharmacology Review, Personal Account, Phenotype Report, Plant Breeding Review, Platform, Population Study, Practice Resource, Practitioner Review, Predictive Review, Primers in Microscopy, Prize Lecture, Problems & Paradigms, Profession and Society, Program Evaluation, Progress Notes, Qualitative Meta Synthesis, Radiation Oncology Review Article, Radiology Review Article, Recent Advances, Recently in Press, Recollections, Research Review, Review, Review & Analysis, Review and Synthesis, Review Article, Review Article - Article de synthèse, Review Essay, Review of the Literature, Review Paper, Review Summary, Review-Symposium, Scholarly Review, Scientific Review, Scoping Review, SOAR Review, Software Focus, Special Feature Review, Special Issue - Review Article, Special Issue Discursive Paper, Special Issue Review, Special Issue Review Article, Special Issue Review Paper, Species in the Spotlight, State of the Art Article, State of the Art Review, State of the Science, State-of-the-Art Review, Survey Article, Synthesis, Synthesis & Integration, Systematic Review, Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Systematic Review with or without Meta-analysis, Tansley Insight, Tansley Insight Medal, Tansley Review, Target Review, Technology Updates, Test of the Month, The Brass Tacks: Concise reviews of published evidence, Themed Issue Review, Think Again, Thinking Beyond the Data, Thomas Review, Timely Review, Topical Review, Trainee Focus - Review, Updated Essential Overview, Updated Overview, Updated Systematic Review, White Paper, Wider Perspectives, Workshop Review, Workshop Synthesis, World Health, Yearbook Article, Yeast Extracts, Yeast Primer)
  • Short Communication (type which includes, depending on journals: Administration, AOP Report, Art Matters, Basic Science Short Communication, Basic Science Short Report, Behavioural Note, Brief Communication, Brief Cutting Edge Report, Brief Report, Brief Report: Member, Brief Report: Non Member, Climate Change Short, Clinical Research Short Report, Concise Communication, Concise Report, Curation Corner, Dataset Brief, Dialogue Contribution, Digest, EcoPics, Emerging Topic, Emerging Topic: Member, Emerging Topic: Non Member, Empirical Report, Ethnography In-Sight, Fantastic Yeasts, Flora Obscura, Genome Resource, Genome Screen Report, Hot Topics in Ecology, How To, HPEye, Ignite, Images in Cytology, Images in Haematology, In Brief, International Research Note, Letter, Letter to the Editor - Research Studies, Letter: New Observation, Letter: Published Article, Letters From the Frontline, Management Brief, Measures, Micro Report, Multimedia, Multimedia Teaching Material, Natural History Field Note, Natural History Note, Neuro-Images, New Disease Report, Notes and Comments, On Children, Blood and Cancer, On the Map, One-Page Report of New Alleles or Antigens, Outlook on Evolution and Society, Parlons Graphiques, Policy Short, Preliminary Communication, Project Report, Protocol Communication, Remark, Research Article – Short, Research Brief, Research Communication, Research in Brief, Research Letter, Research Note, Research Notes and Comments, Research Notes and Databases, Science Letter, Scientific Briefing, Scientific Correspondence, Scientific Letter, Short Communication, Short Note, Short Paper, Short Project Note, Short Report, Snapshots, Special Issue Short Communication, Special Report, Spectral Assignments, Spotlight, Structure Note, Synthetic Microbiology Caucus, Technical Brief, The Learning Curve, Thesis Summary, Thoughts & Progress, Topic of the Month, Translating Discovery Science, Translating Discovery Science: Member, Translating Discovery Science: Non Member, Urological Note, Verification Report)
  • Technical Note (type which includes, depending on journals: Advances in In Situ Remediation, Application, Application Note, Clinical Note, Conclusion on Pesticides, Debates, Dilemmas, and Discoveries, Genome Update, Interventional Radiology Technical Note, Medical Imaging - Radiation Oncology Technical Note, Medical Imaging Technical Note, Notes and Insights, Original Note, Practical Tools, Practitioner Protocol - Application, Radiation Oncology Technical Note, Radiology Technical Note, Reference Interval, Resources, Software Note, Special Feature Notes and Insights, Special Issue Technical Note, Teaching Brief, Teaching Note, Technical Note, Technical Report, Toolbox, Tools and Technology, Update)

What happens if the annual national fund is exhausted?

The agreement covers the Open Access publication of a limited number of articles.

In case the annual fund is exhausted, the publisher inhibits on its platform the possibility of requesting the coverage of the Open Access publishing costs through the contract, no longer showing the University of Bologna in the list of institutions that have an agreement of this type.

  • For articles in hybrid journals, authors can publish their articles under restricted access (without paying any fee) or in Open Access (bearing their own costs).
  • For articles in full OA journals, instead, to proceed it is necessary to pay the fees for publishing in Open Access.

At the beginning of the following year, the new annual coverage will be activated and authors will be able to publish again in Open Access, benefitting from the agreement cost coverage; the new annual fund, however, can be used only for the articles accepted in the year to which the fund refers: articles accepted during the previous year can't be published in Open Access with the new coverage.

Under which kind of licence will articles be published?

The standard licence is CC BY. However:

  • in 2024 the author will also be able to opt for the CC BY-NC-ND licence;
  • in 2025, to publish under a licence other than CC BY, authors will have to contact the Wiley support team via the submission "dashboard";
  • from 2026 only the CC BY option will be available. Authors who wish to publish articles under other licences can proceed outside the contract and independently cover the publication costs with funds other than the contractual ones.

Authors retain all rights relating to their articles, which may be deposited in the University of Bologna institutional repository (IRIS) and published on the authors’ personal websites. Open Access is granted right after the publication without any embargo period.

When will the article be published Open Access?

The article will be published once the University of Bologna has verified the author's affiliation with the University and has given its approval.

Which costs are excluded from the coverage of the agreement?

Any other publication fees (i.e.: submission fees, color pages, overlength pages fees etc.) are not covered by the agreement.

Where can I find more information about the agreement?